Cité scolaire Albert Camus
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Voyage en Angleterre - Jour 6
Article mis en ligne le 15 mai 2023

par Agnès Granjon

"Our last shakespearian day started with the smell of Sheila’s Nutella pancakes. Saying goodbye to her and her husband, Bob, was difficult for us three. They took care of us very well during all the journey. We then spent the morning at Hampton Court and its gardens, discovering the beauty and the elegance of Henry VIII’s apartments. We were flabbergasted in front of the marvellous paintings covering the entire castle. We also had the chance to eat some french fries in the enormous gardens of this beautiful palace. Thanks to our teachers’ great organisation, we had a lunch in The Sun pub at Redhill, in which the best Fish and Chips are served. It was tasty and delicious, we were all taken aback. Finally and sadly we left the British lands in direction of our unique hometown, Firminy."
Yusuf, Gauthier, Pierre

"Today we had to wake up earlier so as to prepare our suitcases ; we also said good-Bye to Tona and Ken, the best host family ever. Then we took the bus to go to Hampton court, it’s a Tudor castle. We were allowed to put into practice the knowledge that we had on the Henry VIII’s wives. We were amazed by the splendour of the building and by all the masterpieces that were displayed there. We’ve also seen the gardens of this palace and were quite disappointed as all the flowers were dead. Afterwards we left the place in order to eat delicious fish and chips in a restaurant. Eventually, we took again the bus which leads us to Dover port. There, the sea was quite rough. We’re of course nostalgic of the beginning of this trip, and want to say thank you to our host family as they’ve been so lovely with us, and also to the teachers that made possible this journey."
Nolan, Noah, Antonin, Mahrez

"Today, we went in the castle of Hampton build for the King Henry 8 who reigned from 1509 to 1547 and who had 6 wives those Anne Boleyn who was the most famous one because she was beheaded in the London tower. This castle was very impressing due to its size and it’s gardens which are used today for the tourists. We could have an audio-guide that explained the story of this castle. We could study more precisely the gardens, the William 3 flats and the Henry 8 ones. Moreover, we could see the importance of the kitchens for this dynasty because the king loved to party. In general, we liked to visit it a d that was useful for DNL because we studied that last year.This noon, we could eat the famous fish and chips in a pub named "the Sun". That was interesting to see the real dish.

In the afternoon. We took the bus to go to the ferry to return in France. During the crossing, many people were sick because of the sea. The waves were stronger than on the way and the wind was also stronger. When the ferry arrived in Dunkirk, we changed the driver, Lana left us. We drove to the high school from 10pm to 8:35am."
Théo, Dylan, Malo and Quentin

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